



Healthy Foods Cube – Free Printable Activity

Fun activity with kids and students to educate about Healthy Foods of each category! See activity instructions below. Enjoy!



Download PDFs:

Colored version: cube_healthy_food_color_full

Black & White version: cube_healthy_food_blackwhite_full

Mini Eggplant Pizzas


Mr. eggplant is back! Now, as Mini eggplant pizzas! It’s quick, easy, creative and delicious!

Eggplant Pizzas

Check out the recipe video from my fussy eater below. Enjoy!

List of Prohibited Ingredients by NYC School Food

prohibited ingredients schoolfood nyc.png

This is a list of prohibited food additives of School Food in NYC. Although these additives are approved by FDA for consumption, they aren’t necessarily essential or nutritious in a diet. For some of these additives, there are studies showing that they can even be harmful to our health and/or the environment in the long run. For example, processed/ cured meats (e.g. ham, hot-dogs, sausages) which have sodium nitrate are considered as carcinogenic by WHO (IARC).

This list can be a helpful guide for you and your family to shop and consume more nutritious and safer foods.

Pickled Radish Veggie Wrap (Korean Mussam)


How to wrap the veggie wraps:

Be creative and put any veggies and proteins as you like!

The Pickled radish can be found in Asian Supermarkets or you can prepare it yourself as shown on the video below.

How to prepare Pickled Radish:

For a healthier pickled radish:

  1. Thinly slice the radishes.
  2. In a small saucepan, combine vinegar and water (ratio 1:1 or lower), 1 tbsp (or less) of sugar and pinch of salt. Bring the mixture to a boil and let it cool down.
  3. Pour the brine over the radishes and refrigerate.
  4. The pickles will be ready in 1-2 days.

Basics: How to Make Asian Brown Rice (in a Pan)


Brown rice is a whole grain and a great substitute for White rice because it has more nutrients and fiber which are essential for our health.

Fiber helps in our digestion process, normalizing our bowel movements and preventing constipation. When eating more fiber, we stay full longer and eat less, helping us control the intake of other caloric foods.

The main types of Asian rice are short grain (like sushi rice) and glutinous rice (also known as sweet rice which is sweeter and stickier than short grain and its flour is used to make mochi and korean ddeok).

This recipe is for those who doesn’t have a rice cooker (or your rice cooker is broken) and want to make Asian brown rice with your pan!

How to:

6-7 servings – Time: 50 min

  • 3 cups of mix of short grain and glutinous brown rice (or just one type of rice) – you can find them at an Asian grocery or supermarket.
  • 6 cups of water

1) In a pan, rinse the rice by scrubbing it with your hands and drain it. Repeat this step one more time.

2) Add 6 cups of water in the pan.

3) Bring it to boil over medium high heat without the lid.

4) When water has evaporated and is close to the surface of the rice, reduce the heat to medium low.

5) Let it cook for a while until the surface of rice is dry and you cannot see any water, then close the lid and turn off the heat.

6) Let it steam (in other words, “just wait”) for 10 minutes. Open the lid (be careful because the steam is hot!) and serve.

Tips & more:

– 1 cup of rice usually yields 2 to 2.5 cups of cooked rice.
– For this type of rice and cooking method, the amount of water is two times of rice.
– You can serve about 1 cup of cooked rice per person per meal.


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